Richard Williams' Blog

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Mostly about Web design, hosting, domain names, Internet marketing, SEO, Web 2.0...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

More Blogger Woes

Last night I proposed dashing off a blog post about my positive experiences with PC World when purchasing a couple of monitors. I expected to spend no more than about 15 minutes doing this. In fact, it took nearly three quarters of an hour, and the end result was a duplicate post that I can't remove. This has happened before, because Blogger indicates that a post has not completed the process when it has done so. Understandably, the post is re-submitted hence the duplication. But then to be unable to remove the duplicate is both annoying and leads the reader to believe the blogger either hasn't noticed the error or can't be bothered to removed the excess entry. It seems to me errors of this nature are caused by Blogger's servers exceeding their capacity during peak periods, and this is becoming more frequent. As I've said before, I will be moving over to Wordpress - but client work comes first. However, the day is getting nearer! So, apologies to Richard Warren of the Washingborough Hall Hotel for being late for our dinner booking. Don't you just hate technology sometimes, although I'm weighing up the experience against the pleasure of acquiring those two monitors... so technology isn't all bad. ;)


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