Richard Williams' Blog

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Mostly about Web design, hosting, domain names, Internet marketing, SEO, Web 2.0...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Moving into New Premises

It's six years since an ex business partner and myself decided to go our separate ways. And at the time I decided to go back to working from home. The net result was lower overheads, broadband, no time spent travelling into Lincoln every weekday and no parking fees. A situation I was very happy with! But businesses grow and mine has got to the stage where offices are again much more of a necessity. No longer will I have to ask you, my client, to step over the cat, mind the dog and excuse the mess. No longer will I have to ask the children to be quiet because I want to make a call or take an incoming one, or cringe if the dog barks while I'm on the phone. Also, I want to reclaim evening and weekend time for my long-suffering family, although my eldest daughter asked if I was taking on a second room at the office... to put my bed in. The new office is at Great Northern House, Great Northern Terrace, Lincoln. It has plenty of parking spaces and I'll have room for all my existing stuff, and enough space to hold client meetings. All administration matters will continue to be dealt with from our Cornflower Way address. I'll be operational at the new premises as from 4th September. Telephone, fax and email addresses remain the same, and in addition the adminstration telephone number will be 01522 800283. Unfortunately, BT can't sort out the office line 'til 8th September so all calls will be dealt with initially by Carol in admin, until the BT line is up and running, hopefully on the 8th. I'm really excited about the move, and feel it's a very positive step in the right direction, so wish me luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Google yielded not one return to "moving home" +poem. But I tried." - Sorry, you've lost me on that one, Richard.

Certainly looking forward to the move - thanks.

8/29/2006 08:04:00 am  

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