Go check out this article on "
MARKET RESEARCH" - it certainly rang a few bells for me.
It's not totally negative about market research, but it does make a very valid point.
Having said that, perhaps you'd humour me and add your comments at the end of this post about a difference of opinion I had with a very dear business associate, Clive Catton (BTW,
he's a superb IT support guy) - we're just not going to agree on this unless you the reader can convince me I'm wrong!
If you were'nt already aware, I work from home and in the main it's a good thing for me. Now, Clive insists that to attract bigger clients (I'd substitute "bigger clients" for "clients with bigger budgets") I should have a card without my home address on it. I don't advertise the fact that it's my home address, nor try to hide it.
But my view is that by not putting an address on my business card people will wonder what I have to hide. Clive maintains that people won't mind, and that if they Google the address they'll discover it's a residential one and could be put off.
I'm considering reprinting my cards and would really appreciate your views - address or no address - and your reasons... please. :)
A good article with some very valid points, the main one being."Would you want to do business with some one who would not give you their contact address?" I for one would not, I would not be comfortable with this and would wonder"What are they trying to hide?" or more to the point "Is this a scam?".
For me personaly I do not care if some one is a one man band working from home as long as they can deliver what has been promised on time and on speck, I am happy. Indeed i have found that in some areas a one man band gives better service than a large company.
How ever nothing is black and white as we all know. Their is the problem of perception, if you want to work for larger( read customers with more money to spend), you have to appear to have the resources and capabilities to deliver your customers expectations and alot of buyers for large companys feel safer dealing with large companys, than taking a risk on a smaller out fit. Who will in all probabiblity deliver a far more cost effective service and give supperior customer service. Its a question of in my mind ("at what level of business do oyu want to operate?). It is also a question of finance for alot of small companys, suddenly having to find the cost of a building is a big jump from operating at home in "Free Premises", however small the premises. However this extra outlay can be recouped in new business won by having a business as opposed to a domestic address. A question as always when you are self employed of "Paying your money and taking your choice".
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