Richard Williams' Blog

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Mostly about Web design, hosting, domain names, Internet marketing, SEO, Web 2.0...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Google Storage?

Had a chuckle last night on discovering Google had inadvertently let the 'cat-out-of-the-bag' about their plans to offer total file storage, a back-up if you will for everyone - accessible from anywhere. Is there no limit to Google's generosity? Or should I take any notice of those guys over at and become highly suspicious of the behemoth's motives? The chuckle factor due to the inability to bring up google's .com and sites even though I could access any other site I surfed to. Only for a few minutes mind, but just serving to remind one of the vagaries of online life. Google, of course, being tight-lipped about the whole affair, through a spokesperson stated Google had nothing more to say at this time. Just have to wait with bated breath, then... or not.


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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

On Lincolnshire Broadband Update

On Lincolnshire Big Turn On imageJust been talking to Nicola Summers (Project Fund Manager) for the Lincolnshire Broadband Initiative and the good news is there is still funding available for SMEs looking to update their ICT facilities - computer and Internet-related equipment. It's 50/50 matched funding and the entry level is £4000. That is £2000 from the SME and £2000 from On Lincolnshire The grants are restricted mainly to the objective 2 funding area, but when you register on site there is a geographical eligibility checker tool if you're not sure whether you come within the eligible area. I suggest applying soon as funds are running low, although onlincolnshire are in the process of being assessed as to how much funding will be available. If you are eligible you will have to go through a diagnostics process to assess your requirements, and to check that what you want the funding for is allowable. A number of my clients have been through the process and have been impressed with the help and guidance they have been given. So my advice is to act quickly if you think your business could benefit from such a service.


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