Richard Williams' Blog

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Mostly about Web design, hosting, domain names, Internet marketing, SEO, Web 2.0...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Google Spreadsheets

Google spreadsheets are supposed to be launching today and you can take a tour of what they have to offer right here. This online spreadsheet program is compatible with CSV (Comma Separated Values) and XLS file formats. XLS being the microsoft format. Features include:
  • Number change formats
  • Sorting by columns
  • Formulas
  • Uploading your own spreadsheets
  • Keeps your own formulas intact
  • A host of formatting facilities
  • Collaborate online with other users you choose
  • Secure online storage
  • Save and export
Google also have a word processor at Looks like Microsoft have a competitor for their new online Web services - Office Live. What appeals to me is savings on 'office' software and Web accessibility from 'anywhere'. In theory anyway, and subject to any security issues. Interesting times.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Richard.

I attended the "Blogging for business" event today. Found it to be very interesting. And now here i am sending my first comment!!

Keep up the good work.

Bob Green
End to End Labels Ltd

7/26/2006 03:20:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you found it to be of interest Bob. See you've taken the first step and it wasn't difficult was it? Good luck with any blogging activities you decide to go ahead with.

7/27/2006 03:45:00 pm  

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Death of the Sales Call?

Seth Godin has hit the nail on the head again. I so totally relate to the effects this type of interuption marketing has on any time-challenged businessman. I probably get at least two calls a day from telecoms companies (the unenlightened ones) asking me if I want to save money on my BT account. I haven't had a BT account for more than five years! So perhaps you can understand how angry and frustrated these people make me - and they're so thick. I used to tell them right at the beginning of the call, "I don't have a BT line, I'm on NTL". But do they listen? I've asked them to remove me from their databases. Thay say, "Yes". Do they? No. You'd have thought they would, bearing in mind it would mean they could make additional calls to other prospects, but no, this has never occurred to them. Now I either place the phone down on the desk and carry on working, or let them talk at me, making the occasional acquiescent noise until I decide to inform them I don't have a BT line. The one thing I can't afford to do is sense it's a sales call and immediately wish them a hasty goodbye, because I did that many years ago and it turned out to be a prospective client who rightly got upset and terminated the call. It seems there is no satisfactory way of dealing with these unwanted calls in order to minimise wasted time. So if any of you have any bright ideas for dealing with these sales dinosaurs I'd love to hear from you.


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Monday, June 12, 2006

Apologies for the bug (and Iomart again)

Don't know if you've spotted it, but there's a trackback link to a blog that commented on my "Iomart Aniversary" post and it displays after the last post and not after said "Aniversary" post. I would have done some debugging, but I'll be changing from Blogger to Wordpress blogging software very shortly. :) Really must respond to the "UfindUs" post, because the author actually has the answer to the Iomart issues right there in his response. And reading between the lines he seems to be on the customer's side.


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Wot? No Google Ads

You know how we all like to earn extra money, and particularly if we don't have to do any work for it. That's why Google Ads does so well (OK, so I like stating the obvious!). This has lead me to consider, on more than one occasion, displaying Google Ads here on this blog. But the problem is that I have a tendency to offer advice and insights on Web hosting here. Now, if I had Google Ads running they could display adverts from hosting companies that I may not be happy to deal with. So why would I invite readers to use them. See the conflict of interest issue? Not difficult. And it isn't just Web hosting either, so it looks like blog is going to remain Google Ad free. Has anyone else had similar thoughts about this? I'd be interested to know.


Blogger Patday said...

Hi Richard - I tried earning with Google Adsense however my friends and family did too many clicks on the ads. These were of course invalid and violated the terms and conditions so my account was disabled. I appealed but was refused reinstatement.
I had worked very hard to understand the principles and I had earned $66 over about 2 weeks so you can imagine how disappointing this was. Do you know of any alternatives?

8/19/2006 07:59:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Pat - Google will come down heavily if it thinks the adsense system is being abused by false clicking, which is what has happened in your case. And this no doubt is the reason you earned your $66 in two weeks.

The only advice I can offer is to set up another adsense account using completely different details, and then don't allow yourself or others to abuse Google's rules.

As to other advert renue generating schemes you could try Yahoo.

Best of luck!

8/27/2006 09:20:00 am  

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Friday, June 09, 2006

LEN Boat Trip

LEN boat trip aboard the Brayford Belle Where does the time go? This time last week was just a few hours before members and visitors to the LEN boat trip were due to embark on a trip up the Fossdyke canal (or should that be Fossdyke navigation). The weather had taken an unexpected turn for the better in a big way - rather like today... at least around here the sunshine is glorious and the heat is building up. Anyway, we departed on time with Chris Marsh, a local, talented, and much travelled photographer, taking the pictures. In fact, the photographs are his. Gordon Spiers plays host to thirsty fellow passengersThere was plenty of food and wine and it was great to be with other business friends and associates for purely social reasons. I'm not saying business wasn't discussed at times, but there were no presentations or group discussions on business matters - just people making conversation in a relaxing atmosphere cruising down the Fossdyke in glorious weather. What was a fitting outcome of the evening was a graphic designer/artist, Roger Mann, who I hadn't seen in a few years, joined LEN as a result of coming on the cruise. Hopefully more visitors will sign up! And tonight continuing on the same theme I, too, am looking forward to that drink, Adrian!


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