Richard Williams' Blog

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Mostly about Web design, hosting, domain names, Internet marketing, SEO, Web 2.0...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Google Apps for your Domain

Just launched yesterday Google Apps for your Domain is in beta phase (which doesn't mean alot these days as many development companies are launching immature software services and it's becoming the norm). But as far as this suite of web tools is concerned it's at the stage where Google are requesting "beta" testers. Personally, I'm not sure this isn't a marketing ploy to get early adopters to sign up seeing as how Google knows how effective this type of viral marketing ploy works, in a word "effectively!" But is this latest suite of Web tools just a way of bundling a number of Google's existing tools in an attempt to market them more effeciently? You see, all these tools are available separately... Gmail Probably a year more more ago an associate sent me a gmail invitation (it was the only way to join up, then) and, to be honest, I tried it briefly and forgot about it. Reason being I already had an email address using my own business domain name - what's the point of having another non-related email address. I have a Yahoo address as a backup should my domain email address become unavailable temporarily. And I feel most small business owners will probably operate in the same way. Therefore, I'm guessing for most SME's Gmail can be ignored. Google Talk Provides Instant Messaging (IM) email and calls. But again, I have other tools for this job. Yahoo Instant Messaenger (YIM) and Skype. Again one tool has come out on top, so I don't use YIM very much. Also, with Google Talk you need a Gmail account. This smacks to me of trying to tie in the Google user. My recommendation would be to use Skype. Google Calendar Now this is one Google tool I do use - I've even stopped using the Calendar facility in Outlook. It gives me the flexibility to access my appointments from any computer with Net access. Google Page Creator It's supposed to do exactly what it says on the tin. Just one big flaw (that I know of) the pages are hosted on Google's servers at this address - What good is that to a small business? Let me answer that - none. Gone are the days when a small buiness is taken seriously on the Web if it doesn't have its own domain name. So this one is a complete non-starter for the SME! It seems Google are bringing to market all sorts of Web tools, some of which can be very useful to the small businesses (like Calendar) but there do seem to be a growing number of questionable worth. BTW, it appears Google may add more tools to this suite. A clear indication of their intention to go head-to-head with Microsoft. Google, I predict you've got a lemon on your hands with this suite of Web tools, sorry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I quite agree on what you say about google services, except for the calendar. The strongest point of this service is acually its weakest point -- yes, you can have access to your appointments from anywhere. But. You expose you business/personal information people who work in Google. No god.

9/04/2006 03:17:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well at least Google Page Creator is still in beta. And for the time being, these resources may help you find better choices:

Free Web Hosting Reviewed

Free Web Hosting Forum with Adsense Revenue Sharing

9/23/2006 01:29:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who said Google is at all interested in SMEs?

Their target is the masses. Personal Gmail, Personal webspace, Personal diary, An IM competitor for Microsoft and Yahoo ......

And now all ("Nicely?") packaged together, why go elsewhere? (Google's thinking - not mine I hasten to add!)

Need I say more?

11/09/2006 02:52:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason for mentioning the "Google Package" is because many small/one man businesses often look at/try out these "free" new packages, not realising some of the consequences of their actions.

It's more a case of giving the heads up to SMEs than being concerned about what Google wants out of the deal - they can look after themselves! :)

11/09/2006 03:41:00 pm  

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Moving into New Premises

It's six years since an ex business partner and myself decided to go our separate ways. And at the time I decided to go back to working from home. The net result was lower overheads, broadband, no time spent travelling into Lincoln every weekday and no parking fees. A situation I was very happy with! But businesses grow and mine has got to the stage where offices are again much more of a necessity. No longer will I have to ask you, my client, to step over the cat, mind the dog and excuse the mess. No longer will I have to ask the children to be quiet because I want to make a call or take an incoming one, or cringe if the dog barks while I'm on the phone. Also, I want to reclaim evening and weekend time for my long-suffering family, although my eldest daughter asked if I was taking on a second room at the office... to put my bed in. The new office is at Great Northern House, Great Northern Terrace, Lincoln. It has plenty of parking spaces and I'll have room for all my existing stuff, and enough space to hold client meetings. All administration matters will continue to be dealt with from our Cornflower Way address. I'll be operational at the new premises as from 4th September. Telephone, fax and email addresses remain the same, and in addition the adminstration telephone number will be 01522 800283. Unfortunately, BT can't sort out the office line 'til 8th September so all calls will be dealt with initially by Carol in admin, until the BT line is up and running, hopefully on the 8th. I'm really excited about the move, and feel it's a very positive step in the right direction, so wish me luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Google yielded not one return to "moving home" +poem. But I tried." - Sorry, you've lost me on that one, Richard.

Certainly looking forward to the move - thanks.

8/29/2006 08:04:00 am  

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More Blogger Woes

Last night I proposed dashing off a blog post about my positive experiences with PC World when purchasing a couple of monitors. I expected to spend no more than about 15 minutes doing this. In fact, it took nearly three quarters of an hour, and the end result was a duplicate post that I can't remove. This has happened before, because Blogger indicates that a post has not completed the process when it has done so. Understandably, the post is re-submitted hence the duplication. But then to be unable to remove the duplicate is both annoying and leads the reader to believe the blogger either hasn't noticed the error or can't be bothered to removed the excess entry. It seems to me errors of this nature are caused by Blogger's servers exceeding their capacity during peak periods, and this is becoming more frequent. As I've said before, I will be moving over to Wordpress - but client work comes first. However, the day is getting nearer! So, apologies to Richard Warren of the Washingborough Hall Hotel for being late for our dinner booking. Don't you just hate technology sometimes, although I'm weighing up the experience against the pleasure of acquiring those two monitors... so technology isn't all bad. ;)


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Friday, August 25, 2006

In Praise of PC World

17 inch TFT Flat-Screen Monitors from PC World
I have mixed feelings about PC World, particularly considering the number of support issues I've heard about, which is why I stick to my local supplier, Octagon Technology, for my PCs, because they give excellent support. But if I'm looking for peripherals I'll take a look around. So when I decided to move to new offices shortly (more about that in another post) I decided to buy a 17" TFT flat-screen monitor. So while I was looking last night I came across a deal for one at only £99.99 at PC World. Original price £149.00. This deal was too good to miss so I ordered two, as I use dual monitors. Being in a rush, and ordering at ten at night, I chose to collect from the local store the next morning, today. And since I was in town for the Lincoln Business Club meeting this morning at 7am I was able to be at PC World for 9am. I honestly expected there to be a glitch when I turned up to collect them, but to my amazement the monitors were there at the collection point and I was in and out in no time time at all. Not only that, you get any goods ordered at the Internet price and not the higher store price. If you're close to a local store it'll probably be worth your while ordering through the Internet and collecting. All in all, a very satisfying experience and one I hope to repeat. Hope I won't be chancing my luck. ;)


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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Dell Battery Recall Program

Although not my area of expertise I just thought anyone reading this blog with a Dell laptop may wish to check to see if their's is affected by the recall. Dell Battery Recall


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Li-Fiber cell is completely safe and with $1 million the company can produce enough cells to prove that it has a laptop battery that is not only completely safe but also outperforms all existing laptop batteries. The 2006 massive recall by DELL, Apple, IBM, Toshiba, Panasonic, Fujitsu and Lenovo of over 7 million notebook computer batteries made by Sony would be a thing of the past. The present lithium-ion battery is an almost zero tolerance technology, prone to failure, over heat, fire, and even explosion; hence the need for protection circuits. The higher the cell capacity the more serious the problem. For high capacity multi-cell high voltage batteries, for example, 10 Ah, 200 V for hybrid electric vehicles HEV’s, inherently safe battery chemistry is essential but cannot be met with conventional Li-Ion cells. The Li-Fiber battery does not overheat and makes a very good safe high performance yet cheaper laptop battery and power tools. Contact me Edward Anderson at TRU Group Inc if you have $1 million to invest.

10/01/2006 01:17:00 am  

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Wadda Ya Know!

Just look at that. I make a new post and the Nikon D80 post decides to remove itself like it should have done so when I tried to delete it two posts ago. "All's well that ends well.", as they say - still going ahead with Wordpress though.


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Blogger Problems

Must get round to switching to Wordpress . It's a general dissatisfaction thing with the Blogger system.
  • Delays when adding or updating new posts
  • Abortive attempts to add or update posts
  • No trackback facilities
Finally, being unable to update the previous post or delete it from the main blog page, although it has deleted the permalink page. Now where can I squeeze some extra time out of the schedule? :)


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