Richard Williams' Blog

Mostly about Web design, hosting, domain names, Internet marketing, SEO, Web 2.0...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Moving into New Premises
More Blogger Woes
Friday, August 25, 2006
In Praise of PC World

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Dell Battery Recall Program
- said...
The Li-Fiber cell is completely safe and with $1 million the company can produce enough cells to prove that it has a laptop battery that is not only completely safe but also outperforms all existing laptop batteries. The 2006 massive recall by DELL, Apple, IBM, Toshiba, Panasonic, Fujitsu and Lenovo of over 7 million notebook computer batteries made by Sony would be a thing of the past. The present lithium-ion battery is an almost zero tolerance technology, prone to failure, over heat, fire, and even explosion; hence the need for protection circuits. The higher the cell capacity the more serious the problem. For high capacity multi-cell high voltage batteries, for example, 10 Ah, 200 V for hybrid electric vehicles HEV’s, inherently safe battery chemistry is essential but cannot be met with conventional Li-Ion cells. The Li-Fiber battery does not overheat and makes a very good safe high performance yet cheaper laptop battery and power tools. Contact me Edward Anderson at TRU Group Inc if you have $1 million to invest.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Wadda Ya Know!
Blogger Problems
- Delays when adding or updating new posts
- Abortive attempts to add or update posts
- No trackback facilities

I quite agree on what you say about google services, except for the calendar. The strongest point of this service is acually its weakest point -- yes, you can have access to your appointments from anywhere. But. You expose you business/personal information people who work in Google. No god.
Well at least Google Page Creator is still in beta. And for the time being, these resources may help you find better choices:
Free Web Hosting Reviewed
Free Web Hosting Forum with Adsense Revenue Sharing
So who said Google is at all interested in SMEs?
Their target is the masses. Personal Gmail, Personal webspace, Personal diary, An IM competitor for Microsoft and Yahoo ......
And now all ("Nicely?") packaged together, why go elsewhere? (Google's thinking - not mine I hasten to add!)
Need I say more?
The reason for mentioning the "Google Package" is because many small/one man businesses often look at/try out these "free" new packages, not realising some of the consequences of their actions.
It's more a case of giving the heads up to SMEs than being concerned about what Google wants out of the deal - they can look after themselves! :)
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