Richard Williams' Blog

Mostly about Web design, hosting, domain names, Internet marketing, SEO, Web 2.0...
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
Iomart anniversary blog
- Jamie said...
Hello there Richard,
I just thought I'd keep you up to speed on the activities of ufindus, aka iomart and about ten other psuedonyms! is one of my companies and I have issues with them using a domain name confusingly simular to that of mine.
When I complained to them they said that despite the fact I have been going for over 6 years and have a very good rep they did not think that using a name so simular, UFINDUS -v- CANTUFIND as directories would not cause confusion?
Intillectual property abuse is hard to prove but now we feel that we are in a real strong position as there are literally hundreds of people who have confused them with us and the letters we get asking for help is incredible.
I truly hope that this company whatever name they use never get another 'Anniversery' for it will only mean that they have continued their unscrupulous and questionable tactics to dupe people out of hard earned money.
We're heartened to see people like yourself who have the guts to make comments on bad traders and it only goes to spur us on to take a class action against this company for a variety of activities that we believe border on illegal, and that's being kind!
The team at
For your readers you might want to send them to There are some pretty interesting comments there! - said...
I am now receiving reports from customers of Iomart's Rapidrank 'service' who cancelled their contracts in 2004, have heard nothing from Iomart since then, and are now being pursued by both Iomart and a debt collection agency based in Glasgow.
It would be interesting to know whether they've actually taken one of their 'customers' to court and won.
If Rapidrank was such a great product, why have they dropped it in favour of their new directory based Ufindus 'service'?
Given that Rapidrank never did what the sales team said it would, the exploitation of a legal B2B loophole which meant those sold the product were not covered by consumer legislation, and the subsequent retrospective application of punitive terms and conditions as a result of that, pursuit of erroneous debts 2 years later really does add insult to injury.
It would be interesting to know how many people are being targeted in this new scheme of Iomart's to generate additional revenue. - said...
get a life you sad little man. As you say "its just you opinion" thats right it is, and not worth much either is it in the scheme of things.
- said...
poo breath shitty pants
- said...
ha ha ha ha ha ha ah . keep the internet crazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey mo fo
Monday, May 15, 2006
How do people get to grips with Web 2.0?
Website Traffic - Quality or Quantity?
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Tips on solving an Epson Printer "problem"
Thursday, May 11, 2006

- said...
A good article with some very valid points, the main one being."Would you want to do business with some one who would not give you their contact address?" I for one would not, I would not be comfortable with this and would wonder"What are they trying to hide?" or more to the point "Is this a scam?".
For me personaly I do not care if some one is a one man band working from home as long as they can deliver what has been promised on time and on speck, I am happy. Indeed i have found that in some areas a one man band gives better service than a large company.
How ever nothing is black and white as we all know. Their is the problem of perception, if you want to work for larger( read customers with more money to spend), you have to appear to have the resources and capabilities to deliver your customers expectations and alot of buyers for large companys feel safer dealing with large companys, than taking a risk on a smaller out fit. Who will in all probabiblity deliver a far more cost effective service and give supperior customer service. Its a question of in my mind ("at what level of business do oyu want to operate?). It is also a question of finance for alot of small companys, suddenly having to find the cost of a building is a big jump from operating at home in "Free Premises", however small the premises. However this extra outlay can be recouped in new business won by having a business as opposed to a domestic address. A question as always when you are self employed of "Paying your money and taking your choice".

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